Player Experience (PX):
The Key Differentiator To Make Your Game Stand Out

We work with gaming companies across the globe to improve their Player Support (PS). We help gaming companies build out their PS strategy, find the right partner for their outsourcing needs and optimize those partnerships.
Whether you need to create one from scratch, or want to enhance your existing strategy. Leverage our 15 years of experience working with global gaming brands.
We help you find, evaluate and select the right BPO partner for Player Support, Community Management, QA or Localization services.
If you're not sure what you need, we offer the Player Support Quick Scan: a thorough analysis covering all relevant aspects of your PS set up. Delivered in two weeks.

The Challenge

We are all familiar with it. You experience an issue with a game, and need to jump through hoops to get it solved. Useless self service, waiting for days to get your ticket answered, or even worse: a support agent that doesn't know the game at all. Will you continue spending your time and money at this game?

Our Services

We help gaming companies become more player-centric and take away frustrations through player support consulting. Helping our clients with clear, hands-on advice, we work with companies of all sizes: a fast growing, dynamic environment is what makes us thrive.

Our Experience

CXENTIAL leverages 20 years of experience working with the gaming industry, from indie developers to the largest publishers of the world, helping them to optimize the interactions with their player base.


All my interactions with Rob have been based on trust, honesty and fair dealing. I know him as an incredibly professional person. Somebody who is solution oriented, proactive, diplomatic and a charismatic people person.
Rafn HerlufsenDirector of Player Experience & Community at CCP Games
Rob is an outstanding business partner who was essential in optimizing our customer service operation. Over the course of our partnership, Rob saved the day on multiple occasions, favoring long term partnership over short term gains.
Karol PotrykusDirector of Vendor Management at Epic Games

Our Vision

Delivering good PX is crucial for gaming companies at this moment. Competition is fiercer than ever, and players will not hesitate to jump from one game to another. Gaming companies that deliver a great Player Experience are the ones that will stand out and build a loyal, healthy community.


We're a consulting company focusing exclusively on player experience. Many gaming companies outsource part of their player support and community management, and unfortunately quality of service is far from good in most cases.

What sets CXENTIAL apart is our practical approach. Our team works remotely and acts fast. We love a fast-growing, dynamic environment. No challenge is too much for us!

Player Experience is more important than ever

According to research done by Microsoft, 90% of people use customer service as a factor in deciding whether or not to buy a product. Also, Zendesk research shows that 61% of customers consider switching brands after one single bad experience. For games, we dare to say that it's even worse.