30025 Alicia Parkway, Laguna Niguel, CA
+1 (424) 527-7509

Player Support:
cost center or differentiator?

Player support is one of the main components of your player experience. Surprisingly, many gaming companies still consider PS to be a cost center. When planned for and executed properly, PS can be one of your unique selling points. Our consulting services help you to turn your player support into a differentiator.

Ready for a helicopter view of your player support?

Our PS Quick Scan gives you a 360 degree, personalized report to tackle your PS-related challenges. Executed fully remotely and delivered in two weeks.


We help you become truly player-centric. Happy players are more loyal, spend more money spread the word about your game.

Player Support Strategy

Many gaming companies experience Player Support issues but don't really know where to start to fix them. The underlying issue is the lack of a proper long term strategy, carried by the leadership team and executed by the PS team. We help creating a solid, future-proof strategy and create an execution plan to fix the issues you are experiencing. Jointly we will create a step by step plan to tackle the issues and start lifting your player experience.


Deciding whether or not to outsource, and consequently finding the right partner to outsource your Player Support can be a daunting exercise. There are loads of options and it is often difficult to compare between BPO partners. You want to find a company that truly understands gaming, matches your culture and acts as an extension of your company. Leveraging our experience in the BPO sector, we help companies select the right partner based on your needs.

BPO Consulting

Working with gaming companies as a BPO requires a different approach. It's important to possess in-depth industry knowledge, be able to attract the right agent profiles, and ensure that the way you position your services appeals to your target audience. We help BPOs optimize their service offering for the games industry, based on your specific strategy and USPs, so you can grow your business and develop long term partnerships with gaming clients.


The industry is continuously changing. One of the emerging trends is leveraging a GigCX set-up: utilizing gig workers to optimize your coverage and ability to handle volume spikes. GigCX is like the Uber for contact centers. We advise on best practices, do's and don'ts, and can connect you with gaming-focused BPO partners that offer GigCX services.
Not sure what you need? We offer the Player Support Quick Scan: a thorough analysis covering all relevant aspects of your PS set up. Executed fully remotely, it entails interviewing key shareholders and reviewing your current PS set-up and offering. As a result, you’ll receive an extensive document with findings & recommendations to solve your challenges and optimize your PS.

If you have any Player Support related challenges, we provide fast, flexible solutions.

We are here to help. Reach out to us if you want to talk about any of the services listed above. We can customize based on your specific needs.

What to expect when reaching out to us?

Our process is clear and straightforward.

Discovery: we meet with relevant stakeholders learn more about your specific situation. We take ample time to learn more about your challenges and goals. All meetings are done remotely by video conference.

Proposal: you will receive a customized proposal, outlining our suggested approach and cost estimate. Once you agree, we will sign some paperwork to set clear goals and cover confidentiality and data privacy.

Delivery: we are now ready to kick off things. We'll meet regularly to discuss progress. At completion, we'll deliver a written report with findings and recommendations, giving you a hands-on guide to move forward.

Evaluation: both during and after finalizing our cooperation, short sessions will be organized to gather feedback and ensure that you're fully satisfied with our services. Our own CX is obviously our highest priority!


The importance of self service

Recent research by Zendesk shows that 69% of consumers want to resolve their issue independently, but only 28% of companies offer self-service options like a knowledge base or help center.

This is a double edged sword: it creates frustration for customers and higher costs for companies.
Consumers prefer self service69%
Companies don't offer any type of self service72%

Player Support is no rocket science

But it definitely is not a piece of cake either. It requires a carefully planned strategy and thorough execution. Be prepared to deal with unplanned situations.